Genethics Club meetings and Venues; titles of plenaries and speakers
- 5 November 2001, Oxford. Inaugural meeting
- 10 June 2002, Cardiff. Second meeting
- 12 December 2002. London, GOS,
- 21 May 2003, Birmingham. Plenary Speaker; Dr David Crauford, "Ethical guidelines for HD predictive testing: do we still need them?"
- 21 October 2003, London. Plenary Speaker; Dr Graeme Laurie, "Genetic Privacy"
- 26 February 2004, London, Institute of Child Health. Plenary Speaker; Mike Parker, “Ways of thinking about ethics”
- 13 July 2004, Manchester. Plenary Speaker; Dr Margaret Brazier
- 13 October 2004, London, Guys Hospital Clinical genetics department. Plenary Session; "Adoption and Genetics Chris Barnes and colleagues"
- 1 February 2005, London, Regents Park College. Plenary Speaker; Dr John Wyatt, Neonatologist University college Hospital "Fetal viability and late termination"
- 8 July 2005, Newcastle upon Tyne. Plenary Speaker; Dr Brian Lunn: "Assessment of capacity in adults"
- 3 November 2005, London, Regents Park College. Plenary Speakers; Tara, Mike Parker & Anneke Lucassen. "Electronic hospital records and their application in Clinical Genetics - the ethical issues"
- 7 February 2006, Leicester, Centre for Deaf People. Plenary Session; "Contacting relatives directly"
- 4 July 2006, London, Regents Park College. Plenary Speaker; Professor Peter Furness, "The Human Tissue Act 2004"
- 31 October 2006, London, ABPI. Plenary Session; Resource Allocation, Jacquie Westwood, Director of Specialised Services SE
- 7 February 2007, London, Roben’s Suite, Guys Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Professor Brenda Almond. "Ethical Challenges and the New Technologies of Reproduction".
- June 2007, London. Discussion of cases, no plenary
- 9 October 2007, Southampton. Plenary Speaker; Professor Jonathan Montgomery "Are my genes mine? Genetic information and the idea of ownership"
- 30 January 2008, London, Regents Park College. Plenary Session; The interface between research and clinical practice in genetic medicine. This will include feedback from the ROCC (research or clinical care?) study
- 30 June 2008, Edinburgh. Plenary Speaker; Professor Graeme Laurie. To disclose or not to disclose, "Legal and ethical limits to the duty of disclosure in genetic medicine"
- 13 October 2008, London, Wellcome Trust Building, Euston Road. Plenary Speaker: Professor Brian Hurwitz "Narrative strategies in ethics and how this may help in the analysis of clinical genetics cases"
- February 2009, London, Wellcome Trust. Plenary Speaker; Mike Parker - summary of genethics club cases
- July 2009, Bristol. Plenary Speaker; Ken Rees. "Genetics ethics and the media"
- November 2009, London, Guy’s Hospital. Plenary Session; GMC Guidelines and confidentiality
- 10 March 2010, Oxford, St Cross College. Closed Meeting: Childhood testing guidelines
- 25 June 2010, London, Regent’s College. Plenary Speaker; Tom Shakespeare
- 10 November 2010, Oxford. Plenary Speaker; Jonathan Montgomery. "Genetic testing of children, a legal analysis"
- March 2011, Manchester. Plenary Speaker; Cara Taylor, Nowgen. "Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis ethical issues"
- July 2011, Cardiff. Plenary Speaker; Michael Arribas-Ayllon. "Susceptibility testing for Alzheimer's Disease"
- November 2011, London, Regents College. Launch of JCMG consent and confidentiality guidelines
- 8 February 2012, London, Guy's Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Gillian Crawford, NIHR Doctoral training Fellow and Genetic Counsellor. "Incidental findings from genetic tests; Implications for Genetic Practice"
- 11 May 2012, Leeds, Chapel Allerton Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Georgia Testa, Lecturer in Medical Ethics, Leeds, Medical School. "The right not to know in Genetic Medicine"
- 11 October 2012, London, Great Ormond Street Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Paul Weindling, Professor of medical History, Oxford Brookes. "The relevance of the German medical apology 2012 for clinical genetics"
- 1 March 2013, Leicester, Devonshire Place. Plenary Speaker; Dr Jose Miola Senior lecturer, School of Law, Leicester. "Making ethical decisions in a legal world"
- 1 July 2013, London, Wellcome Trust Collection, Euston Rd. Plenary Session; Genetic testing of children for adult onset conditions. Results from a 3 year research project led by Southampton researchers.
- 8 November 2013, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge. Plenary Speaker; Anna Middleton. “What’s all the fuss about Incidental findings?”
- 12 February 2014, London, Great Ormond Street Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Susan Kelly and colleagues. “Mainstreaming Genetics: Re-contacting patients in a dynamic healthcare environment”
- 4 July 2014, Liverpool Women's Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Lucy Frith. “Gamete and embryo donation: What do people want to know about their donor?”
- 20 November 2014, Birmingham Womens Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Angus Clarke. “Stigma in X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia”
- 6 February 2015, London, Guys Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Sarah Wynn, Unique. "Children with rare cytogenetic and genomic disorders- Experiences of UK Families’ diagnosis and genetic counselling up to 2003 compared with the following 10 years"
- 3 July 2015, London, Wellcome Trust Collection. Plenary Session; Incidental findings: Patient and HCP views about consent to and disclosure of NGS test results.
- 12 November 2015, London, Wellcome Trust Collection, Genethics Mike, Anneke, Angela and Tara
- 29 April 2016, London, Wellcome Trust Collection. Inaugural GeCIP meeting
- 19 July 2016, Cardiff. Plenary Session; MSc/ PhD students
- 13 October 2016, Birmingham. Plenary Speaker; Graeme Laurie. "The right not to know"
- 28 February 2017, London, Academy of Medical Sciences. Plenary Speaker; Susan Kelly and colleagues. "Re-contacting in Genetics Practice. Results from a 3 year ESRC research project from Exeter/Southampton/Cardiff about re-contacting/ updating clinical practice when re-interpretation of genomic test results alter previous clinical communication"
- 30 June 2017, Leicester, Genetics/Diabetes Seminar Room, level 1 in the Victoria Building
Leicester Royal Infirmary. Plenary speaker: Dr Tracey Elliott. Discussion around the recent appeal court decision ABC vs St Georges - 3 November 2017, Southampton, University of Southampton, Wide Lane Conference Facility. Plenary Speaker: Prof Gwen Adshead. "Good conversations about risk and information sharing"
- 21 February 2018, Exeter. Further details to follow.
- 14 June 2018, Wellcome Trust Collection, London
- 9 November 2018, Wellcome Trust Collection, London
- 3 May 2019, Centre for Life, Newcastle. Plenary Speaker: Dr Pauline McCormack. "Living the Genomic Dream"
- 5 July 2019, Wellcome Trust Collection, London. Plenary Session: JCGM Consent & Confidentiality Guidance 2019, led by Anneke Lucassen & Alison Hall.
- 7 November 2019, Birmingham, Education Resource Centre, Birmingham Women's NHS Foundation Trust. Plenary speaker: Dr Michael Fay."ABC: where might we go next?".
- 25 February 2020, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. Plenary speaker: Dr Kate Burke. "Recent perspectives on the role of genetics in adoption work".
- 16 July 2020, Virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams.
- 3 November 2020, Virtual meeting. Plenary Speaker: Dr Emily Postan. "Identity and information-learning from genetics, looking beyond genetics".
- 25 February 2021, Virtual meeting. Plenary speakers: Dr Shane Doheny & Professor Angus Clarke. "The Making of Decisions by Patients in Predictive Genetics".
- 9 July 2021, Virtual meeting. Plenary discussion about the ethical issues raised by the current pandemic and its effects on Clinical Genomics Practice.
- 26 November 2021, Virtual meeting. Theme for discussion: Ethical issues arising in genetics laboratories.
- 8 February 2022, Virtual meeting.
- 11th July 2022, Wellcome Collection, London. Plenary Speaker: Professor Mike Parker & EXPRESS Research Team. "Ethical and Social Issues in the use of Prenatal Exomes."
- 3rd November 2022, Virtual Meeting. Plenary Speaker: Dr Michael Fay. "An ambiguous solution? ABC v St George's Healthcare and the duty to balance the competing interests of patients and their relatives."
- 6th February 2023, Virtual meeting.
- 20th July 2023, Virtual meeting.
- 27th September 2023, Wellcome Collection, London. Plenary Speaker: Dr Harriet Etheredge, "Ethics at scale-Exploring practival challenges in the Genomics England's Newborn Genomes Programme".
- 20th November 2023, Assembly Buildings, Belfast. Plenary Speaker: Professor Eileen Murphy, "The Ethics of Dealing with Archaeological Human Remains".
- 8th February 2024, Wellcome Collection, London. Plenary Speaker: Dr Helena Carley, "Development of an online ethics resource to foster situated ethical decision-making: results of a Genethics Forum co-design project."
- 20th May 2024, Virtual meeting.
- 1st October 2024, Citylabs 1.0, Manchester. Rare Conditions Theme. Plenary Speaker: Chris Bedford-Gay, founding member and trustee of FOP Friends.
- 3rd March 2025, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. Plenary Speaker: Hadewych Honne, " The patient voice and politics in access to orphan drugs."