
Genethics Club meetings and Venues; titles of plenaries and speakers

  1. 5 November 2001, Oxford. Inaugural meeting
  2. 10 June 2002, Cardiff. Second meeting
  3. 12 December 2002. London, GOS,
  4. 21 May 2003, Birmingham. Plenary Speaker; Dr David Crauford, "Ethical guidelines for HD predictive testing: do we still need them?"
  5. 21 October 2003, London. Plenary Speaker; Dr Graeme Laurie, "Genetic Privacy"
  6. 26 February 2004, London, Institute of Child Health. Plenary Speaker; Mike Parker, “Ways of thinking about ethics”
  7. 13 July 2004, Manchester. Plenary Speaker; Dr Margaret Brazier
  8. 13 October 2004, London, Guys Hospital Clinical genetics department. Plenary Session; "Adoption and Genetics Chris Barnes and colleagues"
  9. 1 February 2005, London, Regents Park College. Plenary Speaker; Dr John Wyatt, Neonatologist University college Hospital  "Fetal viability and late termination"
  10. 8 July 2005, Newcastle upon Tyne. Plenary Speaker; Dr Brian Lunn: "Assessment of capacity in adults"
  11. 3 November 2005, London, Regents Park College. Plenary Speakers; Tara, Mike Parker & Anneke Lucassen. "Electronic hospital records and their application in Clinical Genetics - the ethical issues"
  12. 7 February 2006, Leicester, Centre for Deaf People. Plenary Session; "Contacting relatives directly"
  13. 4 July 2006, London, Regents Park College. Plenary Speaker; Professor Peter Furness, "The Human Tissue Act 2004"
  14. 31 October 2006, London, ABPI.  Plenary Session; Resource Allocation, Jacquie Westwood, Director of Specialised Services SE
  15. 7 February 2007, London, Roben’s Suite, Guys Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Professor Brenda Almond. "Ethical Challenges and the New Technologies of Reproduction".
  16. June 2007, London. Discussion of cases, no plenary
  17. 9 October 2007, Southampton. Plenary Speaker; Professor Jonathan Montgomery "Are my genes mine? Genetic information and the idea of ownership"
  18. 30 January 2008, London, Regents Park College. Plenary Session; The interface between research and clinical practice in genetic medicine. This will include feedback from the ROCC (research or clinical care?) study
  19. 30 June 2008, Edinburgh. Plenary Speaker; Professor Graeme Laurie. To disclose or not to disclose, "Legal and ethical limits to the duty of  disclosure in genetic medicine"
  20. 13 October 2008, London, Wellcome Trust Building, Euston Road. Plenary Speaker: Professor Brian Hurwitz "Narrative strategies in ethics and how this may help in the analysis of clinical genetics cases"
  21. February 2009, London, Wellcome Trust. Plenary Speaker; Mike Parker - summary of genethics club cases
  22. July 2009, Bristol. Plenary Speaker; Ken Rees. "Genetics ethics and the media"
  23. November 2009, London, Guy’s Hospital. Plenary Session; GMC Guidelines and confidentiality
  24. 10 March 2010, Oxford, St Cross College. Closed Meeting: Childhood testing guidelines
  25. 25 June 2010, London, Regent’s College. Plenary Speaker; Tom Shakespeare
  26. 10 November 2010, Oxford. Plenary Speaker; Jonathan Montgomery. "Genetic testing of children, a legal analysis"
  27. March 2011, Manchester.  Plenary Speaker; Cara Taylor, Nowgen. "Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis ethical issues"
  28. July 2011, Cardiff. Plenary Speaker; Michael Arribas-Ayllon. "Susceptibility testing for Alzheimer's Disease"
  29. November 2011, London, Regents College. Launch of JCMG consent and confidentiality guidelines
  30. 8 February 2012, London, Guy's Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Gillian Crawford, NIHR Doctoral training Fellow and Genetic Counsellor. "Incidental findings from genetic tests; Implications for Genetic Practice"
  31. 11 May 2012, Leeds, Chapel Allerton Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Georgia Testa, Lecturer in Medical Ethics, Leeds, Medical School. "The right not to know in Genetic Medicine"
  32. 11 October 2012, London, Great Ormond Street Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Paul Weindling, Professor of medical History, Oxford Brookes. "The relevance of the German medical apology 2012 for clinical genetics"
  33. 1 March 2013, Leicester, Devonshire Place. Plenary Speaker; Dr Jose Miola Senior lecturer, School of Law, Leicester. "Making ethical decisions in a legal world"
  34. 1 July 2013, London, Wellcome Trust Collection, Euston Rd. Plenary Session; Genetic testing of children for adult onset conditions. Results from a 3 year research project led by Southampton researchers.
  35. 8 November 2013, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge. Plenary Speaker; Anna Middleton. “What’s all the fuss about Incidental findings?”
  36. 12 February 2014, London, Great Ormond Street Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Susan Kelly and colleagues. “Mainstreaming Genetics: Re-contacting patients in a dynamic healthcare environment”
  37. 4 July 2014, Liverpool Women's Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Lucy Frith. “Gamete and embryo donation:  What do people want to know about their donor?” 
  38. 20 November 2014, Birmingham Womens Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Angus Clarke. “Stigma in X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia”
  39. 6 February 2015, London, Guys Hospital. Plenary Speaker; Sarah Wynn, Unique. "Children with rare cytogenetic and genomic disorders- Experiences of UK Families’ diagnosis and genetic counselling up to 2003 compared with the following 10 years"
  40. 3 July 2015, London, Wellcome Trust Collection. Plenary Session; Incidental findings: Patient and HCP views about consent to and disclosure of NGS test results.
  41. 12 November 2015, London, Wellcome Trust Collection, Genethics Mike, Anneke, Angela and Tara
  42. 29 April 2016, London, Wellcome Trust Collection. Inaugural GeCIP meeting
  43. 19 July 2016, Cardiff. Plenary Session; MSc/ PhD students
  44. 13 October 2016, Birmingham. Plenary Speaker; Graeme Laurie. "The right not to know"
  45. 28 February 2017, London, Academy of Medical Sciences. Plenary Speaker; Susan Kelly and colleagues.  "Re-contacting in Genetics Practice. Results from a 3 year ESRC research project from Exeter/Southampton/Cardiff about re-contacting/ updating clinical practice when re-interpretation of genomic test results alter previous clinical communication"
  46. 30 June 2017, Leicester, Genetics/Diabetes Seminar Room, level 1 in the Victoria Building
    Leicester Royal Infirmary. Plenary speaker: Dr Tracey Elliott. Discussion around the recent appeal court decision ABC vs St Georges
  47. 3 November 2017, Southampton, University of Southampton, Wide Lane Conference Facility. Plenary Speaker: Prof Gwen Adshead. "Good conversations about risk and information sharing"
  48. 21 February 2018, Exeter. Further details to follow.
  49. 14 June 2018, Wellcome Trust Collection, London
  50. 9 November 2018, Wellcome Trust Collection, London
  51. 3 May 2019, Centre for Life, Newcastle. Plenary Speaker: Dr Pauline McCormack. "Living the Genomic Dream"
  52. 5 July 2019, Wellcome Trust Collection, London. Plenary Session: JCGM Consent & Confidentiality Guidance 2019, led by Anneke Lucassen & Alison Hall.
  53. 7 November 2019, Birmingham, Education Resource Centre, Birmingham Women's NHS Foundation Trust. Plenary speaker: Dr Michael Fay."ABC: where might we go next?".
  54. 25 February 2020, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. Plenary speaker: Dr Kate Burke. "Recent perspectives on the role of genetics in adoption work".
  55. 16 July 2020, Virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams.
  56. 3 November 2020, Virtual meeting. Plenary Speaker: Dr Emily Postan. "Identity and information-learning from genetics, looking beyond genetics".
  57. 25 February 2021, Virtual meeting. Plenary speakers: Dr Shane Doheny & Professor Angus Clarke. "The Making of Decisions by Patients in Predictive Genetics".
  58. 9 July 2021, Virtual meeting. Plenary discussion about the ethical issues raised by the current pandemic and its effects on Clinical Genomics Practice.
  59. 26 November 2021, Virtual meeting. Theme for discussion: Ethical issues arising in genetics laboratories
  60. 8 February 2022, Virtual meeting.
  61. 11th July 2022, Wellcome Collection, London. Plenary Speaker: Professor Mike Parker & EXPRESS Research Team. "Ethical and Social Issues in the use of Prenatal Exomes."
  62. 3rd November 2022, Virtual Meeting. Plenary Speaker: Dr Michael Fay. "An ambiguous solution? ABC v St George's Healthcare and the duty  to balance the competing interests of patients and their relatives."
  63. 6th February 2023, Virtual meeting.
  64. 20th July 2023, Virtual meeting.
  65. 27th September 2023, Wellcome Collection, London. Plenary Speaker: Dr Harriet Etheredge, "Ethics at scale-Exploring practival challenges in the Genomics England's Newborn Genomes Programme".
  66. 20th November 2023, Assembly Buildings, Belfast. Plenary Speaker: Professor Eileen Murphy, "The Ethics of Dealing with Archaeological Human Remains".
  67. 8th February 2024, Wellcome Collection, London. Plenary Speaker: Dr Helena Carley, "Development of an online ethics resource to foster situated ethical decision-making: results of a Genethics Forum co-design project."
  68. 20th May 2024, Virtual meeting.
  69. 1st October 2024, Citylabs 1.0, Manchester. Rare Conditions Theme. Plenary Speaker: Chris Bedford-Gay, founding member and trustee of FOP Friends.
  70. 3rd March 2025, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. Plenary Speaker: Hadewych Honne, " The patient voice and politics in access to orphan drugs."