
The GenEthics Forum is for health professionals - and other interested parties - to discuss and explore difficult ethical and/or legal issues encountered in genetic/genomic medicine. The GenEthics GeCIP (genomics England clinical interpretation partnership) focusses on such issues encountered in the 100,000 genomes project

The GenEthics Forum takes place three times a year. The meetings are relatively informal in order to facilitate discussion of cases presented from different centres. The meetings usually include a plenary talk on a particular theme of interest, such as for example, a talk by a medical lawyer on the law on confidentiality in genetics. The meetings are multi-disciplinary and aim to have a medical ethicist and an academic medical lawyer present at each meeting. The GenEthics Forum policy on confidentiality and case discussion is below.


  • To help health professionals to identify ethical issues arising in the day to day practice of their work with patients and families
  • To help geneticists, genetic counsellors and nurses to develop their skills in identifying and resolving ethical issues
  • To provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of cases from units around the country
  • To encourage the sharing of good practice
  • To help units to develop ways of ensuring that ethical considerations inform the day to day practice of their units
  • To contribute to the improvement of ethical decision-making in practice


Anyone working in the specialty of clinical genetics/genomics, as well as medical lawyers or ethicists with an interest in genetics.

“I recommend Genethics forum to any clinicians dealing with ethical issues in genetic practice; it has been a particularly invaluable resource for trainees in genetic medicine (both doctors and genetic counsellors). The fact that it has remained active for all these years is testament to how useful we have found it.”  Lauren Kerzin-Storrar, Consultant Genetic Counsellor (Head) and MSc Course Director, Genetic Medicine, Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre/CMFT, St Mary's Hospital, Manchester

"As a genetic counsellor, it is rare to attend a study day where everything is directly relevant to your clinical practice. Genethics is that!" Dr Lorraine Cowley, Principal Genetic Counsellor for the Northern Genetics Service and PEALS Affiliate Researcher.


London, Friday 13th June 2025. Plenary Speaker; Professor Emily Jackson

[There will be a charge for attendance at both our virtual and in-person meetings to cover associated costs. Concessions may be available for specific self-funded groups.]

If you would like to attend any of these meetings or wish to discuss a case with Anneke Lucassen or Michael Parker, please contact: genethics.forum@gmail.com


